Stonecon Ltd

Kohteen perustiedot

  • project was started in 2002
  • it was finished in three steps during 2005, 2006 and 2007
  • project management (terminals, marketplaces and streets): HKR Rakennuttaja
  • project management (warehouse, dwellings, park marketplace): SRV-Viitoset Oy
  • project contractor SRV-Viitoset Oy
  • design management: Reijo Harmaajärvi, SRV-Viitoset Oy
  • architect: Arkk.tsto Juhani Pallasmaa, Helin & Co Arkkitehdit, Arkk.tsto Davidsson Oy
  • structural engineering: Aaro Kohonen Oy
  • stone technology consulting: Stonecon Oy
  • stone purchasing and contracting consultant: Stonecon Oy
  • stone contractors: YIT Rakennus Oy, Lemminkäinen Oy, Aleksin Kivi Oy, YIT, Suomen Graniittikeskus Oy, Rakennustaito Hirvonen Oy

Rakennusprojektin erikoispiirteet

  • one of the largest and most demanding building projects ever in Finland
  • total area 4 ha, structural brutto-area 135 000 m2
  • location in the heart of Helsinki increased the difficulty of logistic management
  • one of the liveliest public traffic terminals in Europe
  • traffic terminals won in 2005 1st price in "The concrete structure of the year" competition
  • Kampin keskus won in 2006 1st price in "The steel structure of the year" competition
  • in 2007 ECCS Steel Design Award -price was given to the Kampin keskus project
  • in the year 2003 Kampin keskus won the "Best building site in Finland" -competition
  • "Well done" -nomination was received from Uudenmaan Näkövammiset ry in 2005
  • RAKEVA -price by Rakennustietosäätiö was given in 2005 for informative services
  • largest and most complex stone building object in Finland ever
  • natural stone was used in many different ways such as: floors, internal walls, stairs, facades, pavements, outdoors furnishing
  • new innovative stone technology was applied such as: load bearing stone wall and panel fixing by glue
  • origin countries of natural stones were: Finland, China, Italy, Portugal and Turkey
  • total area of stone structures is more than 100 000 m2