Stonecon Ltd
Kouvola City Hall
Kouvola City Hall


Stonecon Oy was founded in 1989. The idea was to provide engineering and expert services for building projects with natural stone. During 1990's more emphasis was given to project management, construction and developer consulting and supervision. During the years we have participated in planning and implementation of most of the important Finnish building projects with natural stone.

Starting from 1980's Stonecon has participated in several international projects as stone technology consultant. At the same time we have contributed actively to development of conditions for use of natural stone in construction. The founder of Stonecon, Pekka Mesimäki, has been involved in development of stone technology since 1981. During 1993-1994 he produced a comprehensive architectural and technical handbook "Luonnonkivirakentamisen käsikirja" (Handbook for building with natural stone) published by the Finnish Stone Industry Association.

Core competence of Stonecon is provided by company's key persons. Special expertise needed for specific project assignements is arranged by using our well-established international experts network . Stonecon is prepared to offer for each assignement professional resources, who participate in the project with given authorities.

Kouvola City Hall
Badly deteriorated Carraran Bianco was replaced by durable Silver White granite during comprehensive Kouvola City Hall facade cladding renovation.